Paying your income tax bill
Many self-employed people will find January 2023 a tough month as it is predicted that domestic fuel bills will increase again and income tax payments will be due.
Many self-employed people will find January 2023 a tough month as it is predicted that domestic fuel bills will increase again and income tax payments will be due.
As an employer you can pay PAYE to HMRC using a direct debit (DD) but each DD authority only applies for a single payment, so the effort is hardly worth it.
The Government has announced plans to relax capital gains tax (CGT) rules in divorce settlements, so spouses and civil partners will have more time to transfer their assets.
Making Tax Digital (MTD) is moving along at place, taking effect for income tax for many from April 2024. What else is on the horizon for business and what can you do to get ready for MTD?
The deadline for applications to the recovery loan scheme is fast approaching. Are you able to still apply for funding for your business?
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