Firm news

Firm news, tax planning and finance blogs by our team

We know how important it is for you to be able to find up to date business information, and our people love to share their knowledge about the news, and accounting and tax legislation. Here you will find links to our latest press releases, as well as tax planning and finance blog posts – all written by the Whitley Stimpson team, so you can read our take on topical subjects, and use our advice to help you to run your business. We have also shared the odd blog post or two about what we get up to in our communities, because we are proud to be a part of the areas where we live and work, and to support them where we can.

Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

How Selfies Catch Tax Cheats

Tax cheats are getting caught out through boasting on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, accountancy expert Stuart Haigh warned this week.

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Buy-To-Let Landlords Can Beat Budget Loss

Private landlords facing a cut in their income after tax breaks were scaled back in the Government’s summer budget could make good their losses by turning their rental activities into a business.

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Partners in your progress

When you work with us, you’ll be working alongside a partner and advisor who’s genuinely interested in your success – but it all starts with a conversation.

Whether it's on the phone or over a coffee, we'd love to sit down and talk through any questions you have. Just give us a call, drop us an email, or fill in our contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.