Firm news
Firm news, tax planning and finance blogs by our team
We know how important it is for you to be able to find up to date business information, and our people love to share their knowledge about the news, and accounting and tax legislation. Here you will find links to our latest press releases, as well as tax planning and finance blog posts – all written by the Whitley Stimpson team, so you can read our take on topical subjects, and use our advice to help you to run your business. We have also shared the odd blog post or two about what we get up to in our communities, because we are proud to be a part of the areas where we live and work, and to support them where we can.
Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.
Reporting employee expenses
It is time to report the expenses and benefits provided to employees during the year to 5 April 2022.
Trivial benefits for directors and family
Your company can purchase occasional unsolicited gifts for your family and you with no tax implications
Changing NIC in July
The rates for national insurance contributions (NIC) increased by 1.25 percentage points for everyone on 6 April 2022.
The Recovery Loan Scheme ends this month: could you apply for funding?
The deadline for applications to the recovery loan scheme is fast approaching. Are you able to still apply for funding for your business?
Record keeping | Why it’s essential for your business
Whether you’re self-employed or running a large company, good record keeping is vital. In this blog we’ll set out the main records you need to keep, the advantages of good record keeping, and some tips for improving your system.
Whitley Stimpson Bicester office update
Whitley Stimpson’s Bicester office ‘A steady ship to navigate turbulent financial waters’.
Five key takeaways from the Spring Statement
The 2022 Spring Statement was delivered on Wednesday 23 March. Here are five key takeaways from the Chancellor’s speech at Westminster.
Whitley Stimpson complete the Twin Town Challenge Charity Event
Staff from the Witney office of Whitley Stimpson participated in the Twin Town Challenge 20+2 over the May bank holiday weekend to raise funds for SpecialEffect
‘Act now’ to avoid being hit by death duties
Whitley Stimpson are urging middle income families to examine ways of making their savings and investments more tax efficient to avoid leaving their beneficiaries with an unexpected hit on their inheritance.
Rollover Relief and Farmland
Rollover relief allows a business or individual to defer the capital gains tax on the disposal of an asset where the proceeds of that disposal are reinvested into a new business asset.
All VAT registered Farm Businesses Must Adopt MTD for April
All VAT registered farm businesses must adopt the government’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT agenda from April this year, regardless of annual turnover.
Agricultural Property Relief Explained – All You Need to Know!
For most farmers, there is no better tool to reduce Inheritance Tax (IHT) than Agricultural Property Relief (APR).
Partners in your progress
When you work with us, you’ll be working alongside a partner and advisor who’s genuinely interested in your success – but it all starts with a conversation.
Whether it's on the phone or over a coffee, we'd love to sit down and talk through any questions you have. Just give us a call, drop us an email, or fill in our contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.